Labor Management Cooperative Committee
The LMCC is a joint labor and management committee (IBEW 191 and Cascade Chapter NECA) who together, contribute to this fund to be utilized to better the Electrical Industry. The purposes of this fund include the following:
- To improve communications between representatives of Labor and Management;
- To provide workers and Employers with opportunities to study and explore new and innovative joint approaches to achieving organizational effectiveness;
- To assist workers and Employers in solving problems of mutual concern not susceptible to resolution within the collective bargaining process;
- To study and explore ways of eliminating potential problems which reduce the competitiveness and inhibit the economic development of the electrical construction industry;
- To sponsor programs which improve job security, enhance economic and community development, and promote the general welfare of the community and industry;
- To engage in research and development programs concerning various aspects of the industry, including, but not limited to, new technologies, occupational safety and health, labor relations, and new methods of improved production;
- To engage in public education and other programs to expand the economic development of the electrical construction industry;
- To enhance the involvement of workers in making decisions that affect their working lives; and,
- To engage in any other lawful activities incidental or related to the accomplishment of these purposes and goals.
Vision Statement
We are committed to meeting the ever changing electrical and technological needs of our customers and community.
Mission Statement
We shall provide leader-ship to our customers and community through:
- Quality Installations
- Education and Training
- Safe Working Conditions
- Ethical Business Practices
LMCC Trust Committee Members
Board of Trustees serving 2020-2021
This committee meets quarterly.
Randy Curry, Business Manager, Financial Secretary - Committee Chairman
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local #191
3100 164th St NE
Marysville, WA 98271
Ph# 425-259-3195 Cell: 360-722-9377 Fx# 425-339-9188
Email: randy.curry@ibew191.com
Cindy K. Austin, NECA Executive Director - Committee Secretary
Cascade Chapter, National Electrical Contractors Association
315 S 3rd St, Ste 200
Mt. Vernon, WA 98271
Ph# 425-258-2644 Cell: 425-750-2111 Fx# 360-755-6919
Email: cindya@necacascade.org
Dave Ginestra, Committee Member
Dutton Electric Company, Inc.
12407 Mukilteo Speedway, Ste A-170
Lynnwood, WA 98087
Ph# 425-347-7600 Cell: 425-422-0135 Fx# 425-355-1610
Email: daveg@duttonelectric.com
Jeremy Chase, IBEW President - Committee Member
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local #191
3100 164th St NE
Marysville, WA 98271
Ph# 425-259-3195 Cell: 360-454-3310
Email: jeremy.chase@ibew191.com
Bruno Padilla, Committee Member
Electric West, Inc.
817 N 6th St, Ste B
Mt. Vernon, WA 998273-6300
Ph# 360-419-9378 Cell: 360-708-3227
Email: bruno@electric-west.com
Lisa Stuurmans, Assistant Manager, Committee Member
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local #191
3100 164h St NE
Marysville, WA 98271
Ph# 425-259-3195 ext 2 Cell: 425-367-2064 Fx# 425-339-9188
Email: lisa.stuurmans@ibew191.com